I'm so excited, a friend gave Stacey and I tickets to the Rose Parade, front row tickets

Stacey changed the decor on our fire mantel, sparkly red and white. Most of the goodies came from scouring the thrift shops.

The metal leaves were brass, a little spray paint and they fit in real well. The red vase is a Viking glass vase

I left the lights up, they add a bit of sparkle. The red beads, half price at Micheals.

Now for a tour of our day. We wanted to find out where our seats were located and where we wanted to park...We started out getting gas, the price jumped up 15 cents a gal.over night, ouch.

There's our spot...over on the left

This was at 10 am, balloons, chairs, tables, ready...set...camp
Did you HEAR how cold it is ???? it could get down to 34 tonight

I'll be back tomorrow with my New Years Update!!
I am SO excited!!! I love the beautiful floats!!!
Oh yes, we asked my husband to drop us off, there was
NO parking spots left on the streets, and I just couldn't pay the $30 to parking in the parking structure...they said it could take hours to get out, when it is over.
Oh, I'm so happy that you and Stacey get to see the parade - and front row seats for free, no less. I think back to last year at this time and am so thankful for all the good things that have come your way this year. I'll watch for you on TV tomorrow!
Didja have a good time?? Looks like the day was perfect..happy ALL year to you and thanks for being such a great blogger :-)
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