I came across this book in a junkie little antique shop today. It is so unique. My plan was to
make an altered book...

Its about 3 1/2 inches thick

So, I google this henry M Lester

I guess these are very collectable...
so, what do I do, sell it for what it is to someone that wants this info.
OR do I distroy it and use it for an altered book.
Price...$ 8 it could be worth $100 to the right person.
what to do, what to do
Put it in your Etsy store, if it doesn't sell in a couple weeks...make some cool art. That is a great book...I'd love to have all those tabs to play with!
Hmm, I don't look at making an altered book as "destroying" something.
But if this is really rare and is worth something to someone, and maybe there are $$ to be made for you too, and if you'd be just as happy altering something else, then by all means, sell it!
On the other hand, if you come up with an artistic plan for it, in the end, it could be far more valuable as and object of art. It's a call only you can make.
Ditto to what Dandelion and Daisy said -- she took the words right out of my mouth. :) Although, since Etsy is for crafters, someone might buy it for their own crafting. You may need go a different route if you want to sell to a true collector. ??? Have a great weekend. Tammy
I would sell it and use the profits to buy tons of art supplies! There are plenty of cool books out there to alter. :)
I agree with Dandelion and Daisy. Put it in your Etsy or on Ebay with a reserve and see what happens. If it doesn't sell...go to town ripping it apart!
I agree with Dandelion & Daisy, see if you can sell it for $$$$$ and if not have a good time altering it knowing that it worth more to you than someone else.
Saw your question in the 'Full Tilt Boogie' class. If you're not attached to it then sell it.
I agree with what everyone else is saying. Try to sell it and if it doesn't go then make some art with it. Cool find!
i would say, try to sell it, if it doesn't sell, then go for altering!
if it sells, you have more $$ for another book that you won't worry as much about using.
I am interested in buying the Photo Lab Index. Please email me at w3ny@arrl.net if you are interested in selling.
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