Monday, March 23, 2009

Where did Monday go???

First...this is the BIG birthday present we got Stacey. I got the camera Circuit City when they marked it waaaay down. Then, I was in another city and it was a week before they closed their doors...I had a couple of mins. so I ran into Circuit City. All cameras were gone, there was just one zoom lens left...I couldn't be for a Nikon...It WAS!!! whoo hoo!!! It was marked down 75 percent...I couldnt Not get it. So Stacey is one happy camper...She found this great looking "lunch bag" at Target...I put a bit of foam padding in the perfect!
I woke up late this morning ( I rarely sleep in) I'm trying to get the new office computer working, after a while I call in some techies...they got it up and running...then I spent hours and hours trying to down load stuff that they want on the computer...I looked was, I need to do a little de-stressing tonight...I need to work on another little chickie...


Just a little something from Judy said...

Stacey is one very fortunate person!! What a deal and what a very special gift! Happy Birthday Stacey!

Unknown said...

HOW lucky for Stacey! I so want and need a new camera!

Vicki Chrisman said...

WOOOO HOOOh,,, she's a lucky girl!!