Ohhhh there is nothing quite like Calif. cuisine!

The ocean...nothing quite like the Calif. ocean. Do you see Stacey?? No?? thats because shes under the wave that is breaking. After she came out she said it was scary and she didn't understand why it was so rough out there. When we got back to the motel we turned on the news and they said a huge storm in Tahiti was bringing in huge waves...to not go out in the ocean, one person was killed and they shut some of the beaches...nice to know...after the fact!

Nothing like Calif. beaches.lol. This is beautiful Huntington Beach after half of them left. We got in to town and discovered there was a HUGE surfing shindig going on...Those are people alllll the way, as far as the eye can see, on both sides of the pier that we are standing on.
Stacey lost her phone...poof, it just was gone, we have no idea where it went. We drove to Laguna Beach and went to a Radio Shack and she picked up a new phone for $29...$400 phone, she was happy...except ALL of her work contacts were in the old phone and her calendar of things to do when she got home...all gone.
We went to the LA Zoo...last time we were there...she was in the 2nd grade.
I'll share more tomorrow.
Laurie, what's the yellow and black stuff? It looks like egg yolk and a slug. LOL!
Oh I'm so glad you two had such a good time!! You know the storm warnings were up the whole pacific coast??!! We had huge waves and the city stopped people from going into the surf after they had 37 recues in 24 hours!!
Can't wait for pictures and stories! :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Hope to see you Saturday. Be sure to say hi.
Juli & Christa, Kindred Roses
Great photos.
Lovely photos...losing the phone isn't the nicest thing to have happen on vacation...but maybe there was a subliminal message in there...losing the connection to work and stress of everyday life while on vacation. Still...even if that was the message, it's a pain to lose everything that was stored on the phone.
I'm so glad you had a great time! Bet you're glad to be home though.
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