It was 95 today, so we headed to Manhattan and
Redondo Beach. GORGEOUS!!!

How about pink surfboards

oops, I wanted to show you the before, before the after.

So let me tell you about this little boy. He was perched up on the block, holding a snake. I cant stand snakes. But he was so darn cute, so I asked if I could take a pictures. He said. "I charge a dollar per photo" I laughed and said
ok, he then said "do you want to see his face" I said "sure"
so he had to untie the darn thing. I was laughing quite hard by this time.
I got my picture, gave him a dollar, he turns around to his dad that was sitting
on the bench not paying attention...and he says " SEE DAD, I got my first dollar!!"
His dad grinned and rolled his eyes, just a little embarrassed.

I came home from our day at the beach and made this girl...Here is HER story...

I picked up the latest PRIM mag. I love this girl on the cover...I've been wanting to
make something out of paper clay, but I don't know how...I've been googling
like crazy, I cant find what I want...anyway...I liked this..

I wanted to "make it my own" so I did a few sketches

I even started the paper clay form. I have a l o n g way to go...
hey doll
just poppin in to say Hello!!!
hope all is well.
wish i had a day at the beach.
Thanks for sharing your trip to the beach yesterday. It was GORGEOUS out wasn't it?!
I love "your girl" and admire you for picking that clay up and starting your doll *smiles*
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