I made this last year, It was published in Somerset Life. I cut out each of the little tiny felt flowers and stiched on a french knot in the center. This was a vintage silver pincushion box, the pincushion was so tattered and falling off, I removed it and put my own on top,

I took bright green wool roving and wrapped it around, it looks like cotten candy

I only made a few things when I taught myself how to do needle felting,
I just love this one.
I'm linking up with
What a wonderful pin cushion - that bunny looked pretty good if that was the first thing you made.
Oh, that is precious!!!
I remember seeing this in Somerset Life, I loved it then, I love it now!!
This is way too adorable. I want one! I love bunnies and ADORE this one! Thank you so much for sharing!
Awwww very sweet!
Seriously, that is the SWEETEST felted bunny EVER Laurie :) :) I hope the next time you all come to Vegas you can email me, I would love to meet up with you if I am able and you have time. I still am looking to see any birdies, have I missed them ? You are robbing us with their sweetness by not making any. I am sure they flew out of the shop you put them into. Anyhoo.....Hugs and Miss you !!!
Oooh, Laurie, now what CAN'T you make?!?! Lil Bunny Foo Foo is adorable!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
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