Stacey and I had the day to ourselves, so we went to San Juan Capistrano, we had thoughts of visiting the Mission, the weather was perfect, the line to get it was so long, admission is now $9 With so many people visiting on a Sunday, it would be really hard to take any photos with out people in them, we opted not to go...also, we have been talking about going to the Rose Bowl Flea Market next mo. If I'm going to pay $8 or 9 to get into someplace...I want to go to the flea market.

This catus was blooming outside the mission

When we were at the beach yesterday, I had to laugh, this old barn was right in town, looks like I was back in Oregon...look what I got!!!




a close up

All lumped together...how much???
all in a baggy for $5. Yep ! I couldn't pass it up for that price!!!
Laurie, great lace find! Great price too!!
Glad you tried the fabric cutting technique! Isn't it COOL!!
My broken thumb makes it hard to sew anything right now that I have to hold down with my left hand, but once I get a bunch more flowers cut from fabric and the thumb is healed, I want to sew some with buttons and beads and glitter glue!
Diane XO
Hi Laurie,
what a fantastic trip-and with such a wonderful bag to bring home :)
I`m glad the paper made it for you, too--thanks for your comment.
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