I'm home!! Had a wonderful relaxing time! The winner of my Giveaway is Nancy
Trees,blue sky,fluffy clouds,plateaus, rivers,streams,birds,deer,wild horses,tumbleweeds,wild goats,snow capped mountains,green valleys,Indian reservation, Salmon fish hatchery, relax, warm spring pools, reading, rock formation, state parks, long walks, fishing, thinking (meditation?), resting, good food, yummy German Brown trout, warmth, fall mornings,fresh air, quiet, picnics,sunny,wilderness.= Eastern Oregon.
I had a wonderful package waiting for me when I get home. I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Oh ya...I didn't take a fresh camera battery...these are the only pictures I took before it died.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008
Birdie, Ribbons, Sea Glass, Award..

Look how wonderful it looks next to the sea glass...sea foam ... The cup has a hint of color on the bottom

The first one was this sweet blogging friends award. Thank you Vicki!!
Here are the rules:
1. Use the Twinks Bank icon (to the right of the page)
2. Nominate 5 other people only
3. Four (4) nominees have to be dedicated followers of your blog
4. One (1) has to be someone new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
5. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
This one easy... Vickie C,Allison, Stephanie,Colleen
and the newest friend is Pat...
Which leads me into my second gift. Its amazing what a brown box can hold, first there was the most beautiful mermaid tear scissor fob made with the most fabulous sea foam green glass beads and a mermaid tear hanging on the bottom. On the back of the card is a story about mermaid tears. Its wonderful

I'm leaving in the morning for a few days of R & R with my hubbs of 36 years...We're going to beautiful Eastern Oregon. I will take pictures. My plan is to put on a giveaway in the morning ...you know...so you wont forget me.lol.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Painted Collage/ Bird Pincushion

I am feeling much better, still a little croaky, not cranky...croaky.lol
*****Tomorrow is the last day on EBAY for my little pink sewing machine*****
Saturday, August 23, 2008
aaaah TEA

A new blogging friend gave me this wonderful smile award. Her name is Shari Kraft of Cranapple Christmas
The Rules of the Award are as follows.
1. The recipient must link back the the award's creator (The Babblings of Mere)
2. You must post these rules if you recieve the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to recieve the award after recieving it yourself
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award, as posted by Mere.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human)
2. Must love one another
3. Must make mistakes
4. Must learn from others
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world
6. Must love life
7. Must love kids
Here are the 5 people that I have chosen:
Colleeen you always make me smile, but I was so sad for you today. Please go visit this gal if you haven't already, she could use a little cheering up today.
Dawn your wonderful creations always make me smile. You are such a kind gentle person.
Natasha You are always so cheerful and it shows in all the beautiful work that you do.
Miss Rhea I wish you well, dear friend. Your beautiful work is always an inspiration to me.
Vicki C you are the queen of cards in my book!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
New Blogging Friend
It hurts so bad to swallow!! I HAVE to get better, we're leaving on vacation next week!
I know how exciting for all bloggers when you meet up with someone that you make a connection with, thats how is with my new blogger friend. Please go visit this wonderful person Pat Winter She has a beautiful blog.
I'm going to go gargle on warm salt water...yuck! lol
I know how exciting for all bloggers when you meet up with someone that you make a connection with, thats how is with my new blogger friend. Please go visit this wonderful person Pat Winter She has a beautiful blog.
I'm going to go gargle on warm salt water...yuck! lol
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sick Thurs.
Well, I guess I made up my own game.lol. There is no Pink Wed. Theres a pink Sat....I do have an excuse. I am sick sick sick. A really bad sore throat, headache that wont quit and a cough from a constant tickle in the back of my throat...yes...I'm miserable!! I had to take a couple people to court this morning and I had to talk and talk, I think I went through a whole bag of sugar free Ricola. It took about 3 hours, I came home and went to bed. I'm just popping my head in to say hi and back to the dark- quiet- room I go...see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Pink Wednesday
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Halloween is around the corner!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Little nest on Vintage shoe pincushion

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Vintage Apron Pattern Sweet!

Kathy Grace is the winner of my giveaway. Thank you everyone that signed up. I LOVE all the wonderful words you came up with!! That was so much fun, I'm working on the next giveaway.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sugar Cake !

altered plate,
Bunny By the Bay,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Orange Goodies

I'm not sure what is wrong with me....I'm actually thinking about Halloween. It just happens to be 100 degrees outside, I'm inside with air conditioner and Im thinking about Halloween?!?. lol. I went and did a little shopping today. Here's my loot...Orange cups, does anyone know what these are called? Is it carnival glass?? an orange egg cup. a tin that held cloves, a music book, a reader book a doily...how fun is all that?? and I found a couple of jars.
We had an exciting day today...a gal called us to say there had been a large, loud party next to her last night and she called the police. Then the other neighbor came over to tell us about this party, The manager of the complex down the hill called to tell me, a policeman called me, then all the neighbors called me...So we went and checked it out...sure enough, there were beer cans everywhere...the part that really bothered us...there were cig. butts all down the hill in the brush/ lucky they didn't start a fire. Then later in the day another policeman came by and talked to us for an hour...needless to say, they will be "movin on" Why didn't we hear anything, you ask...we sleep with a fan on.lol.
Please remember I'm having a little givaway on the post before this! I'm loving all the words you all have come up with.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Blogging is just the best!!


Wow, Its been a long road. I held my breath for 1 1/2 hours while I cleaned out my computer. This of course was the first thing I checked out...my friends...I'm back!!! I called Stacey and my hubs...IT WORKS. I don't think they understand lol, but they are happy for me. Now I'm off to try out ebay...I'm still having trouble breathing, its going to take my a bit to figure out how to start out fresh, but thats ok...I'll be posting later, I have a lot to do! I put this little gal on my ebay, the link is on the right.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm still hanging on!!
I went to put on a new photo on my banner, I've already transfered them to my flash drive and deleted them but I pulled this one out. Stacey took it in Hollywood. What do I talk about tonight?? I broke my thumbnail off, the one on my right hand...I found out that I use that thumb nail as a tool...Its like I lost my favorite tool, I cant pull out a thread, I cant grab a little seed bead or pick up a needle. It kinda like my computer, you dont know how much you use it and like it until it is not there. My plan was to have all my bookwork done on the computer. Well that plan didn't work. The computer is not adding things up so its more work then If I had just done it by hand, which is probably what I'll end up doing tomorrow. We had the most beautiful day, sunny, warm with a light breeze...aaaaah, I'm going to miss it. Thanks again for all your encouraging words, they mean the world to me!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A new header photo!!!!
No way!!! It lets me put a picture on the top??? Hey, I'll take it!! Whooohooo. I know, you've seen this if you clicked on that "code" thing. I don't want to jinx it, so I'll try to change it tomorrow. I just got so sick of looking at the same photo on the top...you were too, I just know it! lol
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I have a plan...
I am sick and tired of not being able to put anything on Ebay because I can't put a picture on. I'm tired of not being able to share photos with you all. I got into this blogging because a couple of wonderful gals thought I should. Now I realize what a big part of my life it is. Everyone is so wonderful and caring. This love hate relationship I am having with the computer is agravating! So, heres my plan. I need to do my monthly report on my computer on Monday..then I can wipe it clean, hopfully when I "restore" it, everything , will be back to normal.
Now, that I have this plan in place, here is the good news. Stacey came and helped my out Fri and Sat. at the garage sale....we did GREAT! didn't get rid of everything, but made a huge dent. It will pay for our vactions...and hopefully I'll find a few new goodies.
What was fun was finding more lace to use for my birdie pincushion. Baby shoes I had forgotten about, buttons, patterns. Years ago I had a plan...it never got off the ground, but I had hoped to have an antique shop with the Tole shop that my mom had, so I had collected and collected, now its time to let it go. I have soooo many linens, I'm going to started getting them washed up and put them out for sale.
Well, my feet hurt after two days of running around (funny how they didn't hurt the 7 days running around in Calif! LOL) I hope I can sleep in, in the morning putz around the house, then get to work on a few birdie ideas...I found the CUTES pair of black boots...I can see Halloween in my future!! Have a nice Sunday everyone...I'll keep you posted!!
Now, that I have this plan in place, here is the good news. Stacey came and helped my out Fri and Sat. at the garage sale....we did GREAT! didn't get rid of everything, but made a huge dent. It will pay for our vactions...and hopefully I'll find a few new goodies.
What was fun was finding more lace to use for my birdie pincushion. Baby shoes I had forgotten about, buttons, patterns. Years ago I had a plan...it never got off the ground, but I had hoped to have an antique shop with the Tole shop that my mom had, so I had collected and collected, now its time to let it go. I have soooo many linens, I'm going to started getting them washed up and put them out for sale.
Well, my feet hurt after two days of running around (funny how they didn't hurt the 7 days running around in Calif! LOL) I hope I can sleep in, in the morning putz around the house, then get to work on a few birdie ideas...I found the CUTES pair of black boots...I can see Halloween in my future!! Have a nice Sunday everyone...I'll keep you posted!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Checking in.LOL
I just typed up a nice long post....and it just went poof!!!!! I have to delete everything on my computer and reinstall it all to see if that will work, its not the hard drive... I cant wait to show you the wonderful pattern I found in my stuff! A vintage apron pattern!!! Had a garage sale today. Did ok, hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Thanks for all your nice comments!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
surprise surprise
The only thing I hadn't tried...Etsy...It worked!! So I put my sugar bowl for sell on there. I must say...I get get antsy, so if it doesn't sell in a couple of weeks, I will pull it off and put it on Ebay. I'm still waiting for my nice mr. computer man to call me...he's a busy man these days. How funny that the slide show wouldn't show up, but it could be clicked on to see it??? I just dont get it.lol. My hubs and I are going to get away from here, the last week of the month. yah!! We're going over to Sisters for one night then Kaneeta for a couple of nights. aaaah, eastern Oregon is calling us. The best news...MY phone doesnt work over there!! Thats what was so nice about California...my phone didn't work...yah!!! poor Stacey, her phone worked.lol. Did I mention, she has a similiar job to mine, but she works with the actual owner and ALL of his properties, so her phone never stops ringing.
I just got an email from the guys of the Barn House...I am going to take the day and drive an hour and half to their next sale Aug. 16 I'll be sure and take my camera.
I just got an email from the guys of the Barn House...I am going to take the day and drive an hour and half to their next sale Aug. 16 I'll be sure and take my camera.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
http://www.slide.com/r/OIcTUeAQ1T9Wkwb_yKr-VAz_UCwuoIyX?previous_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original I thought maybe I could put on a slide show. I wonder if this will work??
Monday, August 4, 2008
work work work
No time for fun and games...or for getting my computer fixed. I am going to have a garage sale this weekend yuk! The best part was finding things I need...and its free...its mine.lol I found 3 old books, old bottles, jars of buttons (you can never have to many) some old lace. No, these things are NOT for sale...
Have you been watching the next food network...the guy that won...I gave him a chance, he made chicken strips and rolled them in seasoned Doritos, crushed...so I made some.wow, they were soooo good.
How would you like to hear what a day is like for me...
My day...I rented 4 apts. first you have to talk on the phone to them...and sell them on what a great apt these are (actually they are townhouses, and great) then, they say they want to see them...I have to wait and wait for them to show up. Then I have to chit chat while I show them the apt. Then they take an application and say they will "talk" about it...then they call and say they want to bring back the application...then I have to wait and wait for them to return. THEN I have to check their application over...what part of "fill in every space" dont they understand.lol??? Then they have to write me a check and chit chat some more....
Of course they have a "normal" job and need to come and see me after 5...So...at 7:00 I was done.whew!!
How am I doing with the whole "writing" thing here??? lol. Have I mentioned how hard this is for me???lol
Have you been watching the next food network...the guy that won...I gave him a chance, he made chicken strips and rolled them in seasoned Doritos, crushed...so I made some.wow, they were soooo good.
How would you like to hear what a day is like for me...
My day...I rented 4 apts. first you have to talk on the phone to them...and sell them on what a great apt these are (actually they are townhouses, and great) then, they say they want to see them...I have to wait and wait for them to show up. Then I have to chit chat while I show them the apt. Then they take an application and say they will "talk" about it...then they call and say they want to bring back the application...then I have to wait and wait for them to return. THEN I have to check their application over...what part of "fill in every space" dont they understand.lol??? Then they have to write me a check and chit chat some more....
Of course they have a "normal" job and need to come and see me after 5...So...at 7:00 I was done.whew!!
How am I doing with the whole "writing" thing here??? lol. Have I mentioned how hard this is for me???lol
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Last Day...I hope
Hopefully I will get this gal fixed tomorrow (the computer,that is) lol
Thank you for all your nice comments about this computer glitch. I had this happen awhile back, I cant do anything with my photos, I tried to email them, as soon as I hit send...Poof, my computer shuts down. Some of my emails go through, some dont...again, as soon as I hit send...Poof, it is gone. Anyway...Today was soooo beautifully perfect, a light cool breeze with the sun shinning brightly 76 degrees...oooooh man!! This is Oregon at its finest!! I'm working on some small vintage bottles...altering them. Its always fun to gather ideas from what others have done, then to try to come up with a different twist to make it my own...and not to copy anyone. We'll see how that goes...I love leaving the bottles out where I can walk by and look at them...I want them to "speak" to me. We'll, hopfully I can sign on with new photos!! Are your fingers and toes crossed?? LOL.
Thank you for all your nice comments about this computer glitch. I had this happen awhile back, I cant do anything with my photos, I tried to email them, as soon as I hit send...Poof, my computer shuts down. Some of my emails go through, some dont...again, as soon as I hit send...Poof, it is gone. Anyway...Today was soooo beautifully perfect, a light cool breeze with the sun shinning brightly 76 degrees...oooooh man!! This is Oregon at its finest!! I'm working on some small vintage bottles...altering them. Its always fun to gather ideas from what others have done, then to try to come up with a different twist to make it my own...and not to copy anyone. We'll see how that goes...I love leaving the bottles out where I can walk by and look at them...I want them to "speak" to me. We'll, hopfully I can sign on with new photos!! Are your fingers and toes crossed?? LOL.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Still no photos
My computer wont get fixed until Monday...so what do I do with out pictures???lol I am NOT a very good writer. So, I'm sitting here thinking...what do I say??? I could TELL you what my latest birdies are doing???umm, ok....
I have a sweet pink birdie sitting on top of a silver sugar bowl. On the lace I put all kinds of little tiny seashells, buttons and glittered pins....sooooo cute!
Oh how I wish I could show you THIS one...I found the most beautiful handmade crocheted baby booties with silk ribbon, what 'till you see it!! I dyed the wool to match the ribbon.
Then for summer, I have an aqua handled vintage ice cream scoop, with lace "ice cream" and an aqua birdie. Then I have another spoon.
How was that, does it make you want SEE them?? lol
I went to a little antique shop today and found the sweetest Reader from 1897 for $4. It is soooo sweet. Well, I'm off to work on another birdie. I'll "TALK" to you again tomorrow.lol
I have a sweet pink birdie sitting on top of a silver sugar bowl. On the lace I put all kinds of little tiny seashells, buttons and glittered pins....sooooo cute!
Oh how I wish I could show you THIS one...I found the most beautiful handmade crocheted baby booties with silk ribbon, what 'till you see it!! I dyed the wool to match the ribbon.
Then for summer, I have an aqua handled vintage ice cream scoop, with lace "ice cream" and an aqua birdie. Then I have another spoon.
How was that, does it make you want SEE them?? lol
I went to a little antique shop today and found the sweetest Reader from 1897 for $4. It is soooo sweet. Well, I'm off to work on another birdie. I'll "TALK" to you again tomorrow.lol
Friday, August 1, 2008
Computers uuuurgh!
My computer is acting up again. I cant post any photos, I have a couple of birdies that I finished that I want to share with you....I cant even put them on Ebay...so hopfully I can get this computer into the Dr.s office soon! don't stray to far...I'll be back....
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