I'm working on soldering some little bottles with pearls in them, not real sure how I'm going to finish them off, but I'll keep you posted.

This one looks like it could use some more work.lol

I just added this little baby to my ebay. It is just the prettiest!!

It is sooooo nice to have my computer working!! I forgot how fast high speed was, it had gotten soooo slow. And now my photos upload from my camera at lightning speed, before it would take 15 min. I'm just swamped right now but I will work on my banner photos as soon as I upload the program, I don't know what is left...I might have to buy some more digi papers...oh darn.lol I'll be putting on a giveaway real soon! Have a great evening everyone!!
Pink Birdie is just so sweet and I love the bootie she sits on!
Hugs, Diane
Hi Laurie,
I responded to your note about the tin.....I hope you received it. I don't know if by hitting the reply button it goes through or not with the blogger system.
About those bottles...I'm doing the same thing!! I'm putting old rhinestone jewelry bits on top though. Wouldn't it be great if you could find (or make) little metal nests, say, out of wire, and put a sweet bird charm in the nest?!! :o)
Hugs and hugs, Aleta
Hey sweet lady, I sent you an email let me know if you haven't received it. Glad you got your photo issue sorted, drives one CRAZY sometimes!! lol xo
Hi Laurie -
Glad you're back in business again. I've missed your photos but have been checking in to see how you were doing. You're doing some more cute things.
This is precious. I was led here through Diane's blog. I love your ice cream scoop too!!! Adorable work.
If you ever make a light green or sage green bird, I would love to buy it for myself.
Oh my goodness! I have to have the bird on a painted shoe. If I provide a shoe would you make one at your leisure. I will pay through paypal. It is just too adorable and I would love it to be the center of my cutting table for all to see. It tickles me pink!!! Please consider,I know you are busy creating and I am in no hurry. :-)
I cannot wait to see what you come up with with these pearl jars! You are so creative! Love your pink birdie!
Have a great day!
I can't wait to see how you finish the bottles. They are very elegant looking.
YAYYYY!!! We have photos! Your birdie on the crocheted booties is very sweet and pretty! Love the bottles! Glad to be able to see what you've been up to!
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