Look how wonderful it looks next to the sea glass...sea foam ... The cup has a hint of color on the bottom

The first one was this sweet blogging friends award. Thank you Vicki!!
Here are the rules:
1. Use the Twinks Bank icon (to the right of the page)
2. Nominate 5 other people only
3. Four (4) nominees have to be dedicated followers of your blog
4. One (1) has to be someone new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
5. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
This one easy... Vickie C,Allison, Stephanie,Colleen
and the newest friend is Pat...
Which leads me into my second gift. Its amazing what a brown box can hold, first there was the most beautiful mermaid tear scissor fob made with the most fabulous sea foam green glass beads and a mermaid tear hanging on the bottom. On the back of the card is a story about mermaid tears. Its wonderful

I'm leaving in the morning for a few days of R & R with my hubbs of 36 years...We're going to beautiful Eastern Oregon. I will take pictures. My plan is to put on a giveaway in the morning ...you know...so you wont forget me.lol.
What a sweet birdie. I love the lace hankie. Your mermaid tears are nice, what a thoughtful gift from your new online friend.
I hope you are feeling 100% better for your trip with your hubby. Have fun and have a safe trip!
Those birds are adorable! I love them!
Oh I love it all! Thanks for sharing!
Come by and see the last installment of my mystery trip!
your birdie is so sweet, what a darling cup you have him perched in...those ribbons from Pat are so pretty, the colors are lovely!!!
have a nice time on your trip with hubby!!!
Thank you for the award. That was really sweet of you. I am glad you liked the fob, sea glass and ribbons. I finally found a red dye that actually comes out red not pink. I am honored that your birds will wear them. Just a little thank you for taking the time to create for me. I truly am enjoying my little treasure. Have a wonderful trip and so happy you are feeling better!Hugs,Pat
Wow! I haven't had access to a credit card since that last "money" fiasco!! LOL! Thanks for the award and I promise I'll link back - it may just take me a day or so - getting ready for Mother-in-law to return home (she lives in a MIL apartment at our house) and our fast trip to Denver to see the kiddos and the grandkiddos. Thanks for being such a Good friend - You are earning LOTS of gold stars!!!!!!!!!
Oh how sweet ... thank you for the award.
Oh, thanks, Laurie, for the BFF award! You are just too sweet! I look at your birdies everyday, as they are strewn about my house ~ they bring me much happiness. Think I've even got one in the background of a pic I posted last night for the FFM this week ~ they just flit around everywhere!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
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