Even when I'm sick I cant just be idle, so while sitting in bed with my bed tray I worked on this piece. Its 7 1/2 X 6". I cut the wood when I knew I was going to be taking the Lisa Kaus class. I had it all prepped and ready to go. When it was almost done I added the large polkadots, they were to bright so I muted them. I didn't want to forget what I learned! I love how it turned out. I'll be adding this to my ebay.
I am feeling much better, still a little croaky, not cranky...croaky.lol
*****Tomorrow is the last day on EBAY for my little pink sewing machine*****
I hope that you are on the mend, and hopefuly wake up tomorrow to the start of a new week feeling better. Your little painting is so cute and can't help but bring a smile to all that see it!! :c}
Get to feeling better soon!!
I am hoping you are feeling much better!
Well, come by and check out my last post for the mystery trip! A bit late but better late than never I say! LOL!
Many hugs!
Laurie, the picture is just lovely! I hope you're feeling much better today. Hope it's not a "blue" Monday.
How adorable. I love how you captured the bird on canvas. I hope you are feeling better.
The bird pincushion is lovely. Wanted to let you know you're still welcome to join our Where Bloggers Create tour. I'm updating it till the end of August...
So so cute! I wish I was that creative when I am sick! I hope you are feeling much better!~~~XXOO, Beth
Laurie, I've given you an award, and tagged you! Hope you feel better soon. Check my blog.
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