After painting this I did a lot of stitching

Here it is on its new background which also has a lot of stitching

On the back I added a lace pocket. I dont have the hanger attached just yet

I got this snowman put on her background. I don't know if you can tell....I LOVE making these.
Thanks for all your wonderful comments, it keeps me going!!
...and you do such a nice job; i love the texture.
Such gorgeous art works
Ehhhh Little Miss,
I predict these adorable snow people will be as popular this holiday season as last year's little snow people were!!! Oh I just had a thought (come on don't laugh it's possible!) Will you be making any felted snowmen???
I'm sorry I haven't been a very good blog sister lately. :( I'm working hard to keep a step a head of panic mode!!! We leave for the States in 16 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT READY!!!!! :) :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
these are beautiful, Laurie!
They are super cute I can see why you like them!
Hugs, Lisa
I am glad that our comments keep you going because your designs and creations are beautiful!
Fondly, Carrie
I always love what you do, but now, I just have to say I L.O.V.E these!
I am so into the influence of KC's art techniques and I can see you are as well. love love love these - keep going!!
What a great idea to combine painting, sewing and collage! Beautiful results.
C-U-T-E!!! I love the way you've mixed texture and color and added the stitching. I can tell you enjoyed making these. Keep up the good work! ~Adrienne~
I can VERY much tell that you love making these and you are so good at it -- but it's the love of what you are doing that shines through. So beautiful each one!
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