I'm looking forward to playing with this thistle

Is it safe to go under????

I feel like the sky being grey is like a blank slate for Photoshop

Love the backroads winding through the forest

I will make this telephone pole disappear (and the no traspassing sign lol)
Wow, thank you for all your support!
I needed to get out of the office so we went on a country drive
Shirl was the winner of my charm,
thanks again for all the wonderful comments on my giveaway.
I'll have another one soon.
Glad you got out of Dodge! You needed a nice trip in the country where no one would disturb your peace! Which direction did you go? Love the photos - thinking I need to get Photoshop! Have a great weekend and enjoy the last vestiges of autumn leaves on the trees. They're coming down fast!
These photos are just so lovely and serene, Laurie! Taking drives is one of my most favorite things to do, and this one doesn't disappoint!
All of your work is so beautiful and original. That watercolor rose is amazing! You have a delightful talent!!
Have a joyful weekend!!
what a gorgeous post!! Sooooo pretty!! :-) I hope you have a fabulous Halloween!! Huge hugs!! Britt :-)
Hi Laurie! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am so new to this I forget to check if anyone has left a comment (no one has before!) so what a lovely surprise to see kind words from you! Your photos are gorgeous and I'm sure will look amazing once you have tried some effects in Photo Shop. It's very addictive by the way! Have fun and I look forward to seeing the results. Anji
Fantastic photos Laurie, I absolutely love that first old barn. Looks great, would be amazing blown up in size (not actually blown up with dynamite or anything-lol)
Laurie, that's a "teasle", not a "thistle". And did you know...that they actually used to grow these in the Finger Lakes area back in the 1800s and they used them for carding wool!
They make gorgeous wreaths sprayed metallic gold! But wear protective gloves! OUCH!!
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