A Pear I painted, the flower is textured with tissue paper

beginning of a book page

trying to figure out what goes together

This picture was an oops

Then we made a trip to
Temeculaa refreshing Peach, Carmel iced tea

handmade rosemary bread


It was 74 and perfect. It was so fun to check out the town after being away for 20 years
Certainly looks like you are enjoying your time and having beautiful weather. Rosemary bread. Yummo! Your painting is lovely. And I can tell the book pages is going to be very pretty. Best wishes and happy day, Tammy
Your pear is lovely. And I love the book page with the bluebird and music! I so envy you the nice,Warm weather. Ours is cold and rainy today.
Wonderful post!
Love, Shirley
your pear and flower turned out most excellent and your book page looks interesting - can't wait to see it finished.
For those of us left in the Willamette Valley it is good to see sunshine in So Cal and, for today atleast, in Oregon. Reads like you are lovin' being back in the sun! I met you, briefly, at a show you were doing at Deepwood a couple years back. Enjoy reading your blog, you are on my blog roll, and great to see your work. Tarte's opening in Aurora, should brighten up my part of OR this weekend.
We sold at the Salem Collector's Market in the mid-ninties, when they still sold antiques! Actually, when we were there last month, it wasn't too bad...more interesting stuff. Then we were in the Buffalo on 99E in Brooks, remember Kay and Larry? Then we thought we had gone off to the big time and moved to Aurora and we were in 3 different malls from about 1997 to 2004. After, the second mall, that we were in closed, we decided it was time to move on. Since then I have sold, once in a while, at the Aurora Flea Market. It took forever, but I think I have finally got rid of the store inventory. Really miss it and once in a while I think I'd like to get back in the business, but, as you know, it is a lot like WORK! Not sure I want to do that any more! Having too much fun, playing. Nice to hear from you.
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