My husband and I decided to run away for the day...we went to Eugene, which is an hour away. On the way home my cell phone rang...I saw that it was the company I work for so when I answered was the "big boss" which always shakes me up...he started out by asking me if I had gotten his message from a couple of hours before...I said he started in giving me grief about the "shooting incident" and getting the couple out of our complex NOW...I told him we were going to have them turn in a 30 day notice..He started "going off!!" YOU BETTER, OR I"LL EVICT THEM...about then I said...I'm going to give the phone to Dean (my husband). So we pulled off the road so he could talke...I tell you...the "boss man" has no children and was SOOO unsympathetic...So we finished by saying we would take care of it and his responce.."YOU BETTER!!!" jeez, I wish I didn't have to work for this guy!!!! So when we got ready to back out...a truck came out and blocked Dean got out to see what the problem was...thankfully, my husband knew the guy and he was just wondering why we were parked on his property. (it was an empty field) remember the roller coaster ride...its not over yet!!!!
oh, for all the "UP" for the week, when "my" good boss came to visit....he gave me the report where I was "shopped" and I did realllll y good...but I hate being treated like I'm a "bad child". Sorry I'm going off....but I've had a few stressful days...and I needed to vent ...any you guys are such good listeners. Thank you!!!
I did get to work on a few bunnies today...yea!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Pink Saturday...

Friday, February 27, 2009
Oh My Goodness....Drama
The life of being an Apt. Manager....Its about 1 AM right now...About an hour ago I heard banging on the office I got up and asked who it was before opening it. It was the police...that's NEVER good. He asked if he could come in...What!!?? Like I'm going to say no! He proceeded to let me know that a tenant has barricaded himself in his townhouse with 3 guns...they got the girlfriend out of there...he had shot the rifle twice, into the unit next to have the place surrounded. The swat team is here. They have evacuated all the units around...they have gone through the complex and unscrewed all the outdoor lights. I have given them the keys to the unit. They have been on the bullhorn tell him to come out with his hands up...just like in the movies.
I'm just sick...I heard a gun shot...
This is a nice clean cut young man. Has a gun permit. He just lost his job, I don't know if it was due to something he did, or cutbacks. He is intoxicated.
Its 1:30 now...I'm in the office waiting.
Its now 3 am...two very loud gun shots went off. Lights are flashing. They are now asking him to answer his phone so they can talk to him.
3:15 another loud shot...silence
3"30. lights are on in the unit...canine dog is barking and barking and barking.
4:00 The police are in the unit...The city Fire Department rolls in...and they are taking him out on stretcher an his is alive...Thank goodness!!!! There must be 20 officers. My husband just went out to see if anyone would talk to him
...They let him go in the unit with them. Dean just got back. The police shot out he sliding glass door and let the dog in...the dog is what saved the kid.
It's over and I'm really tired..
I'm just sick...I heard a gun shot...
This is a nice clean cut young man. Has a gun permit. He just lost his job, I don't know if it was due to something he did, or cutbacks. He is intoxicated.
Its 1:30 now...I'm in the office waiting.
Its now 3 am...two very loud gun shots went off. Lights are flashing. They are now asking him to answer his phone so they can talk to him.
3:15 another loud shot...silence
3"30. lights are on in the unit...canine dog is barking and barking and barking.
4:00 The police are in the unit...The city Fire Department rolls in...and they are taking him out on stretcher an his is alive...Thank goodness!!!! There must be 20 officers. My husband just went out to see if anyone would talk to him
...They let him go in the unit with them. Dean just got back. The police shot out he sliding glass door and let the dog in...the dog is what saved the kid.
It's over and I'm really tired..
Oh man!!!.....I just got up (7:00)
The media trucks are outside our front door...
Oh man!!!.....I just got up (7:00)
The media trucks are outside our front door...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
sneek peek
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Roller coaster continues...
Just a quick note...I go help my mom once a week. Shes blind.and had a massive heart attack 5 years ago..I help her take a shower and set her clothes out for the her hair..I enjoy this time with her...then a phone call came in..I answered the phone...I never answer her phone...I will hand it to her...but I never answer it...Someone on the other end figured out who I was my cousin, letting me know that her mom (my aunt) had passed away...we weren't close...but I had to break the news to my mom, I wanted to make sure she sat down first (she's rather frail)My point is.. I'm amazed when things happen that are meant-to-be. I was just glad I was there at that precise moment in time.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ups and Downs of a Monday.
Its Monday...thats a down...then Stacey came over and asked if we could go have breakfast together. That's an up. Then I got a call from another Apt. Manager (same company I work for) and she was sooo rude and nasty (for no good reason) That was a down...When I got home I got an email from Somerset...they are going to have a new publication and they asked me to participate...oh my goodness...that was the best UP...then there was an email from Somerset to Stacey saying the Life Images Mag. is not going to be published until Jan 2010, that was a down...then I got a call from another Apt Manager (a different "nice " one) and she said that I get $200 for refering some to her complex...oh my another UP...and it is only 11:00AM LOL
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wrapped up Bunny
Single White Female Looking for a new home.....
Needle Felted Bunny with Carrot Pincushion
are you sick of seeing my bunnies...I REALLY like making
I added some sparkly fiber that I purchased while visiting Los Gatos
I did just add this to my ebay....for 99 cents...I do hope it will sell for more then
Friday, February 20, 2009
Spreading Good News
Diane is asking us to spread good news here is the good news I am sharing.
Stacey was over at her boss's office yesterday and found out she needed to work there for a she said she wanted to get her new camera out of the car so no one would take she brought in in and they got to talking about her camera, she showed him the photos that were still in the camera. Stacey told him that she worked for Picture People, got her photos on Jones soda bottles, a picture was published in a book, now a photo was chosen to be in the next publication of Somerset. He is going to "hire" her as a photographer, to take pictures of all his properties and things that Salem is known for, like the Capital, our Carousel , Woolen Mill...she is so excited it is for his web page up at the top..take a look at the before here, see how the photos change at the top...those will be her photos..Isn't it wonderful when we see our children succeed .
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I've havent been very productive in the crafting department. I've been having issues...I need help!! I bought that pretty little video camera....I was finally able to figure out how to get the video onto my PC...but then I couldn't find it when I went to put it on my blog.
So I did some googling and found out that camera was not the easiest to upload. So, I returned it, I upgraded to a wonderful Canon FS10. from Costco. I love it. It feels so good, works great. I was able to upload to the PC simply...but I still cant find the video when I go to my blog and I hit the video says browse....I browse and browse and browse...I have been browsing for hours. I cant find the program...HELP What should I be putting it in???
UPDATE``` I did it...not sure how I did it...but if I did it once...I'm SURE I can do it again
It was a test run...not something I want to share...oh but I will. lol
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I have been spending ALL evening trying to upload a video to put on my blog...It's still going to be a while..I'd rather be crafting!
I have been spending ALL evening trying to upload a video to put on my blog...It's still going to be a while..I'd rather be crafting!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Needle Felted Bunny
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Little Babies
I found out they have "Fiber" shows...I guess I'll have to add this to my list of "things to interest me"
Friday, February 13, 2009
Love and Pink Saturday
It's been a "PINK" week for me, so please check my posts for the week.
I just signed up with Mr. Linky...because I live a "Beautiful Life"
I just signed up with Mr. Linky...because I live a "Beautiful Life"
Wool Birdie Teacup Pincushion
You'll find this on Ebay
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Little Bitty Needle Felted Bunny Pincushion
Winners of OWOH is the winner of my heart magnet is the winner of my felted heart and easel
Thank you to all that have visited and left me such nice comments. is the winner of my felted heart and easel
Thank you to all that have visited and left me such nice comments.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Felted Little Itty Bitty Kitty
I'll be putting her on Ebay
Here's a story for you...I wanted to get Stacey a Nikon D40 for her birthday...
I have kept my eye on one at Circuit City, watching the price go down..
they started out with 12 in a few days it was down to 6 , I really wanted to hold out until tomorrow when the drop the price again. I went in around 4:30 yesterday...I asked the guy how many they had...he said...I think there is 4...I came home and talked to my husband and he better go get it. so around 6 I went back...there were 3..I asked for I did, there was a lady next to me that said...I'll take one...and there was a lady looking at the last one on demo....So...Whew I got it. Reg. $599 I paid $350. We played with it all afternoon.
Its a humdinger ( I don't think I have ever written that word out LOL)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More Needle Felting, tea cup, poodle, hearts
I need to take clearer photos, but you get the idea...I made another poodle. Its about half the size of the first one I made. It is less then 3 " tall to the top of his fluffy head.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Red Love!!
Oh yes...I'm in love!!! I bought me a new's what I'm up to...
I've been "talking" to Gail...over at Creative Workshops...we're talking about me doing an "online class" through her Creative Workshops...have you been over there yet? Well, I just took a class from Pam Carriker...oh wow, it was fantastic!! Part of the class she gave us a video to watch...I know I'm a very visual if I do this class thing...I'm going to use this new camcorder!!
It was the last one Costco had...and they marked it down...while I was looking at I bought it! Now, here is my question to you...What kind of classes should I offer??
Gail and I are thinking...short ones...maybe showing how to make a felted strawberry, cherry or the heart...just to get you going...Then maybe a class with 3 small parts...the spoon easel, with the soldered foil "nest" stamped in it and the wire nest with eggs...
I would welcome any ideas!!!
Felted Poodle
I also made a little felted red heart for around its neck...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Pink Saturday
San Jose / SF
"Hey! I wasn't smiling...COME BACK" and he Laaaaaghed
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