I got all 50 done and shipped. 150 of those little buttons...I sewed floss on them all...uuuugh!

Staceys black sofa......I guess we didn't get the pillows pushed down. oh well.The curtians that she made behind the sofa are the same color as the two pillows

See the studs...those are the best!! But, how pretty are Bug (black) and Pood (orange)

Isn't this photo soooo funny, this is why a black couch is a good idea.LOL Bug totally disappears except those little spots of white
50 ? Oh My Word !!! Did your arm fall off ?? lol Betcha you wont be making those anytime soon. lol They are truly sweet though. :)
Love the studs!!!! They are too cute!!!
M ^..^
eeeeeeek...look at all of those canvases!!! you GO girl:)
love the kitties!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Love your designs and your kitties!
Is that the sofa from the Z Gallery? That is a fabulous sofa!! Just love that shop, especially all those wonderful room montages they put together.
Love the disappearing kitty photo too :)
And 50! What a lot of work, but they sure do look wonderful all together in that shot! Congrats on the order!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
Wow what a job!. Love the grommets on the couch. Enjoyed visitng your blog.
Great job!!
I love your new red banner, I have a coffee pot like that in lime green.... oh but I love the red...
What a project! They look great though! Congratulations!
Ohhh sooo pretty tho well worth your effort wow !!
I will bet you dont want to see another for a while am I right??
Love your new red banner!
Take care
Yay, you did it! All 50! They look awesome!
You busy, creative girl, you! Haven't had a chance to do much blogging this week so I hopped over and caught up on yours. What a great story on Stacey's couch. Just goes to show you, patience can often be the key! She'll always have that fun memory of the whole family scramblin' to load up that couch and bring it home!
I had a black kitty that looked just like the one in your picture! He lived to be 18 years old. He would snuggle up next to my kids when they were babies and it made the grandmothers gasp!!!
Thanks for taking all the time to post on the solder iron. When I finish up the projects I'm working on, it is on my TO DO LIST. Would love to become proficient enough to put one to use.
Love the new RED banner.. very pretty!!! You have been busy creating I see!!! As always.... beautiful!!
WOW Laurie! It makes me tired just looking at those!! They are all beautiful though :)
Your daughter's couch is awesome! I love the curtains she made! The pillows are really pretty too! Love the studded chairs too! Beautiful kitties! Love the one of hte black and white kitty on the couch!
Wow!!! Now that is a production line! Good for you. I am tired just looking at them LOL
Karen at Ciderantiques
So, how's it having 2 super model kitties? Beautiful!
The canvases are just too much -I think you did an awesome job - they are made with love and I can see that in every one!
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