This is just a tiny little thing. Have you ever noticed...small is harder to As I was stitching the eyes on I thought of something I should share, did you know that there is a right and wrong end of the thread to put through the little tiny hole of a needle...if one end doesnt work, try the other end, I believe that it is the end that you just cut,that works the best...also, one side of the needle takes the thread better then the other. I just looked at this blog. The banner is a bit obnoxious,lol, I'll have to change that. I'm thinking aobut changing the ribbon on the birdie...this one looks huge in the photo, its fine to look at it, but once its on a photo they look different****************************
The winner of my little Rose on the tile is: TattingChic
That birdie is so sweet and cute.
Thank you for the tip on which end to thread the needle...ROFLOL!!!
AND THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I'm so excited to win the give-away!
In honor of the occasion I have coined a little poem as follows.
OOOOOhhhhh...lucky, lucky me!
Your board is as pretty as can be!
That little birdie is so cute Laurie! I love it! I can imagine the tiny ones would be much harder! I dont know how you do it, big or small!
You've done it again, sweetpea!! Darling.......
Love the tiny birdie - so sweet
Yeppers - small is definately DARLING! I once heard if you can't paint, paint big, if you can't sing, sing loud..well, you CAN do these darling teeney-weensy birdies - so you are GOOOOD!
your tiny small bird is just precious Laurie!!!
Those are just darling, I want one! Come by and enter my giveaway! :)
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