I found another set of the little silver coasters that I paint the bird nests on.... While I was watching Jon and Kate plus 8 (anybody else watch them??) anyway, I got to clicking on crafty Youtube clips...there is soooo much info out there. This guy was using spray paint and watered down acrylic paints to make unusual finishes...so after my little show was over I went out to give it a try...(I am soooo glad it stays light late) This is what I came up with, I tried something different on each one...I love it!!! I cant wait to paint them (tonight!) Next time I'll show you the backs...they're done too, but look different because the paint slid off rather then puddle up like this side did....oh the fun I had!
Oh yes...my office was a big hit with my boss.
Love the color!
**Shh** Don't tell anyone I've snuck away from the paper and brown boxes to get a Charming Designs break!
I agree- very pretty color! Can't wait to see what else you do to them!
Laurie, I love those! They look so beachy! Beautiful color and I love the pattern it made :)
Laurie, those look very cool...the patterns are very interesting and the color is wonderful...love the banner today:)
Hello, Sarah here!!!
WOW!!! You cat on your title picture lookes exactly like my cat Tim. Your blog is so nice!!!
Thank you for your nice comments
The color is pretty. Isn't it fun to experiment? Oh, BTW, I got my message board that I won from the Blog Giveaway that you had. I just posted about it. Come and check it out if you'd like. I wrote something on the message board just for you! LOL! DO come and see :)))
hey girly! I see you are a big hit in ETSY world! Knew you would be you are such a talented artist! Stop by and say hello when you get a chance!
Oooo - they remind me of the ocean. Very calm and peaceful.
Love the new header with the kitty pic!
Also, you've been tagged. Details are on my blog. Have a great day!
Hi Laurie,,, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I love what you have done with the silver coasters. Those are sooo cute. I love the picture at the top of you blog as well.. Happy creating,,gail
Hi Laurie,,, I belong to Make Mine Pink and the owners name is Joyce Lucas and she is having the seminar. Its in williamsburg Virginia sept 19 and 20. She is going to have some amazing speaker there as well. You can log onto www.makeminepink.com anytime. There is a public forum and its very user friendly. She hasnt posted the info yet to the public, but I would be glad to answer any questions you might have. The women on that forum are awsome and so inspiring. Its all about supporting women starting there own business that are like minded like us! YOu would be welcome anytime. Have a look around and get back in touch with me... We would love to get to know you...The public forum is FREE. the ONLY thing that cost is if you were to buy a little pink boutique,,, and the advertising you get for that is amazing... (I think the retreat is 320.00 for non members and 295.00 if you are a member of MMP. Talk to ya soon!!! (()) gail
Deb and I were talking about you today when we were in Omaha. (were your ears ringing?) lol We were looking through Sommerset mags..to see if we could find the one with your stuff in it. I see it now on your blog.. so I know what to look for.
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