I have lots to share today..all my pictures are mixed up, so I'll take you through them. The top picture is something that is new to me. Lisa Kaus had us use it in her class. It is a really thick white paint. I used it to highlight and finish my white daisies.

I finished the panels. Took them to the garage to spray varnish...I forgot...when using spray varnish on metal...not a good idea. It started bubbling in one section. I'll finish it with brush on varnish. I'm almost scared to go check on them...

The other fun thing I did was go to a antique show... my friend Martha Kohley from Vintage Trifles was there...thankfully she saw me, I didn't know there were more vendors inside...Well, Martha had the most beautiful display!!! She does the most fabulous collages. I fell in love with her pumpkins!

Isn't her sign just the cutest. It was a little chilly outside and she had a toasty coat on and asked for me not to take her picture.
Ok, back to my daisy's...I sketch them on with a piece of chalk, I undercoated the daisies using different colors
Then I blocked in the leaves and stems, below is showing how thick the paint is. We'll be taking my panels to the Hotel tomorrow. I'll go back up after they get them in place.
Your daisies and hollyhocks look great. I hope the varnish turns out okay. The vintage trifles things look very cute!
Wow, those look great. My mom's favorite flowers are daisies. I think of her every time I see them. :) Your friends collage's are really pretty. :)
Hi Laurie...I just love your panels...so pretty. The paint really makes them stand out.
Isn't Martha a doll! I only know her through blogging...but I love her! Those pumpkins are so wonderful. I hope to own one some day soon.
Thank-you for sharing.
Hugs, Nancy
Oh Laurie -
Did you go to the Deepwood Estates Antique Fair? I had hoped to go too with my dear friend who works at Deepwood and who was involved in the sale but some things took me another direction. I would love to have been there. Maybe we would have found each other and had a chance for a bit of a visit among the pretty things. I love the photos of Martha's work.
Your painting is just gorgeous. I've enjoyed seeing the progress as you've shared it.
Oh, how I wish you were in Utah and giving lessons! If you EVER want a totally free place to stay (and Mr. B's cooking!!) just come out ...and bring your paints...and I'll have all my friends lined up for lessons..Oh...you could probably find a minute or two to actually ski and enjoy the sights! Love your work - the panels are wonderful!
These are great! I hope the varnish doesn't get to them, so hard to predict sometimes. (I've had a few happens before!)lol
Beautiful panels! I hope the varnish works out for you!
Oh Laurie.. those sweet daisies just make me smile. How stinking cute!
Your daisies are wonderful! They remind me of my aunt that used to paint! We have an unfinished, tall metal can that she was working on that has her signature daisies. So good to see you on Sunday! Thanks for the kind words and great pictures! Hope to see you again soon! M.
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